Our Mission

At Walnut Creek Naturopathic, we treat every patient like family—not a diagnosis or list of symptoms. We take the time to listen because we genuinely care about you. As a team of licensed naturopathic doctors, we treat you as a whole person.

 About Us

Where every person is treated with compassion and commitment. Our goal is to help you achieve your goal for optimal health and wellness.

We are family doctors, trained to see patients of all ages and all conditions, and each of us is also trained and experienced in specialties such as integrative cancer care. We work with you to diagnose the underlying causes of disease, and restore optimal health. We emphasize education, prevention, and holistic treatment.

If your condition requires an outside specialist we will refer you to one, and provide supportive care of the whole person while you are being treated by conventional targeted therapies.

The doctors at Walnut Creek Naturopathic are trained in the art and science of natural health care at accredited medical colleges, and licensed by the state Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine. We recognize that the individual — body, mind, spirit — knows its own healing pathways, and we develop therapeutic programs for the individual that are designed to collaborate with natural healing. 

We provide the community a full range of both primary care and specialty care services

Our goal is to work with you to uncover the root cause of your symptoms and illness—not mask them. To partner with you, educate you, and offer you a holistic approach to health care. So you can enjoy the highest level of health possible. 

At WCN we believe every person deserves to enjoy optimal health. And that there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why, as one of our patients, you’ll always receive customized treatment plans and health care designed specifically for you. 

We’re a dedicated and compassionate team of doctors and patient care coordinators. We each have a personal story and it’s what motivates us to offer you such high levels of personalized care. We’re licensed, certified, and experienced doctors, ready to provide you with the medical services you need. 


  • Integrative cancer care

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

  • General naturopathic medical treatment

  • IV vitamin drips

  • IV nutrient infusions

  • Prolozone therapy

  • Major Autohemotherapy (MAH)

  • Nutritional Support 

  • And so much more

As a patient, you also receive online access to our highest quality vitamins, minerals, and botanical supplements available. We also have an onsite dispensary. Everything you need to gain and maintain your optimal health and wellness goals in one location.

If you’re ready for personalized health care to address your health needs and experience real change, contact our office today. Our friendly, helpful staff will answer any questions you may have about getting started and they can quickly schedule your first appointment.

 Find out why so many others have placed their trust in Walnut Creek Naturopathic. So you can enjoy more of the life you love.