IV Nutrient Infusion

 The Walnut Creek Naturopathic IV Nutrient Infusion Lounge has been offering IVs to our patients for years via the hands of our very skilled staff. Our medical director, Dr. Heather Barrett, has given thousands of IVs of various types through out her career and is excited to be able to offer a number of cutting edge therapies to the community with the aid of her highly qualified team.

Why IV Nutrient Infusions?  IV Nutrient Infusion therapy is a way of getting vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients into the bloodstream quickly and effectively while bypassing the digestive system.  This can be incredibly important for individuals who either have a compromised digestive system that does not assimilate nutrients very easily and/or for individuals who cannot tolerate oral supplementation.  IV nutrient therapy can also be used when very high doses of nutrients are required that cannot be taken orally. Using IV administration of nutrients allows for maximum concentration of nutrients to reach the tissues most in need of them.

• The Vitality (Myer’s Cocktail)
• The Immune Boost
• Glutathione Push
• High Dose Vitamin C
• Ozone Major Auto Hemotherapy
• The list goes on!

Indications for IV Therapy:
• Bacterial, viral & fungal infections
• Integrative Cancer Support
• Autoimmune disease
• Chronic pain, fibromyalgia
• Pre-post surgical support
• Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, ALS, MS
• Post Strokes and MIs
• Traumatic brain injuries
• Chronic fatigue
• Gastrointestinal disorders and diseases
• Anti-aging and support of optimal health
• Enhanced athletic performance
• Many more

Contact our front desk to find out more about the IVs offered

Schedule an appointment with one of the doctors to discuss your needs and determine which formula is right for you.